Kritinee  Pongtanalert

Kritinee Pongtanalert

Cross-cultural educator, Chulalongkorn University

Industry : The Arts

Shoshin is the Japanese word for beginner’s mindset—applying fresh eyes and an eager openness to the task at hand, devoid of any preconceptions. Kritinee Pongtanalert applies this philosophy to all her work. A Chulalongkorn lecturer, TED speaker, columnist and founder of the Rinen Class method, she is one of the leading experts in Thailand on sustainable business techniques, offering four-week courses for like-minded entrepreneurs looking to transform themselves into customer-focused owners with a heartful approach to running a business. Kritinee masterfully combines the seven years spent studying in Japan with her Thai heritage to provide a bridge between the two cultures, which she explores in depth in her recent publication, Slow Success ยิ่งใหญ่ได้ด้วยก้าวเล็กๆ. She is also the author several other bestsellers, including ริเน็น สร้างธุรกิจ 100 ปี ด้วยหลักคิดแบบญี่ปุ่น (Rinen: Building Businesses That Last 100 Years Through A Japanese Way Of Thinking) and อย่ายอมให้ใครเหยียบฝัน (Don’t Let Anyone Step On Your Dreams).

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